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Sofía Ellar Free Music


Sofía Ellar Free Music

Sofía Ellar

Real name: Sofía Lecubarri Ruigómez

Effective period / Period of releases: 2020

Sofía Lecubarri Ruigómez (London, November 15, 1993), known as Sofía Ellar, is a British singer-songwriter and businesswoman. She began her musical career by performing in various concerts when she was a child, in the 2000s, when she moved to Madrid. She has a degree in Business Administration from IE University and has continued her music career since then.

Sofía Ellar has made appearances in television and radio interviews on numerous occasions, and has participated in several tours around Spain. In September 2017, several of her YouTube videos of hers reached several million views, and her songs on Spotify reached three million views.

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