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deathcrash Free Music


deathcrash Free Music


Effective period / Period of releases: 2019 - 2023

Members: Tiernan Banks, Matthew Weinberger, Noah Bennett, Patrick Fitzgerald (11)

deathcrash (official capitalization) is a slowcore band from London, UK. Formed in 2018 by Tiernan Banks (vocals, guitar) and Patrick Fitzgerald (bass).

The very beginnings of deathcrash started in late 2016 when Tiernan Banks and Patrick (bassist) and Patrick Fitzgerald first recorded a song together in Patrick's bedroom at university, and later it took form under the name deathcrash in 2018, the summer Tiernan and Patrick moved back to London. By that time the band had a slightly changing lineup. After several lineup changes Matt Weinberger and Noah Bennett joined the band on guitar and drums respectively.

Affiliated with London based labels Blank Editions / Warm Laundry and untitled (recs)

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