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Lounge Lizards Free Music


Lounge Lizards Free Music

Lounge Lizards

Effective period / Period of releases: 1981 - 1998

Members: Arto Lindsay, Dana Vlcek, Anton Fier, Steve Piccolo, Marc Ribot, John Lurie, Steven Bernstein, Evan Lurie, Erik Sanko, Curtis Fowlkes, Oren Bloedow, Dave Allen (20)

The Lounge Lizards were an eclectic musical group founded by saxophonist John Lurie and his brother, pianist Evan Lurie, in 1978. Initially known for their ironic, tongue-in-cheek take on jazz, The Lounge Lizards eventually became a showcase for John Lurie's sophisticated compositions straddling jazz and many other genres. They were active until about 1998 with the Lurie brothers as the only constant members, though many leading New York City based musicians were members of the group. The group's name was borrowed from American slang. A lounge lizard is typically depicted as a well-dressed man who frequents the establishments in which the rich gather with the intention of seducing a wealthy woman with his flattery and deceptive charm.

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