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Grupo De Experimentación Sonora Del ICAIC Free Music


Grupo De Experimentación Sonora Del ICAIC Free Music

Grupo De Experimentación Sonora Del ICAIC

Effective period / Period of releases: 1971 - 1997

Members: Leo Brouwer, Pablo Milanés, Silvio Rodríguez, Noel Nicola, Eduardo Ramos, Emiliano Salvador, Manuel Valera, Sara González, Vicente Feliú, Pablo Menéndez, Sergio Vitier, Norberto Carrillo, Daniel Aldama, Leoginaldo Pimentel

Cuban experimental band founded in 1969 by Alfredo Guevara, president from the "Instituto Cubano del Arte e Industria Cinematográficos" (ICAIC) to experiment with new sounds different from the typical folklore sounds of previous Cuban music. It was directed by Leo Brouwer.