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Dream Into Dust Free Music


Dream Into Dust Free Music

Dream Into Dust

Real name: Derek Rush, Bryin Dall & additional contributors

Effective period / Period of releases: 1999 - 2003

Members: Bryin Dall, Derek Rush

The main members of Dream Into Dust have been involved in a number of other projects in the dark music underground since the mid-90's. Thee Majesty (the spoken word/soundscape project of Psychic TV/Throbbing Gristle founder Genesis P-orridge), A Murder of Angels (dark ambient), 4th Sign of the Apocalypse (quirky, sample-heavy electronica), Of Unknown Origin (old-school industrial noise) and Loretta's Doll (progressive experimental goth) have kept Derek Rush and Bryin Dall busy with multiple releases and compilation tracks, gaining them respect and recognition in this strange corner of the music world. Of all these projects, Dream Into Dust is perhaps the most eclectic, having covered all the styles the others have, and adding the element of sometime pop accessibility. However, rather than sounding like a collection of various artists, the band has maintained a focus in their sound and evolved with each release.