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Noname Free Music


Noname Free Music


Real name: Noname are M. D'Agostino, F. De Marchi and S. "Fisco" Fasolo

Effective period / Period of releases: 2000 - 2013

Members: Fabio De Marchi, Walter Mangione, Marco D'Agostino, Alessandro Zullo, Giuseppe Brittanni

Italian techno/dance project initially composed by Fabio De Marchi and Marco D'Agostino the same team that released the first two singles "Off" and "I'm Your Dj".
From 2002, the next and last two singles "Tekno" and "No title" were written and produced by a different team mainly composed by Gabriele Pastori, Giuseppe Brittanni, Walter Mangione and Thomas Ferri.
Throughout the duration of the project Alessandro Zullo and Stefano Colombo got active part as both writers and executive producers.