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Tiamat Free Music


Tiamat Free Music


Effective period / Period of releases: 1990 - 2021

Members: Johan Edlund, Lars Sköld, Anders Iwers, Thomas Petersson, Kenneth Roos, Johnny Hagel, Niklas Ekstrand, Jörgen Thullberg, Fredrik Åkesson, Stefan Lagergren, Anders Holmberg, Roger Öjersson, Thomas Wyreson

Gothic Metal/Rock band from Stockholm, Sweden, who started as a death metal band under the name Treblinka in 1988, by vocalist/guitarist/keyboardist Johan Edlund. They released two demos and a 7" as Treblinka, which led to a deal with CMFT. For their debut in 1990, they changed their name to Tiamat. For their second album (and all later subsequent albums) they were signed by Century Media. In 1992, for their "Clouds" album, they displayed a doom metal direction mixed with atmospheric keyboards.
After a few members left the band in 1994, they started to record their first non-metal album "Wildhoney". This album was the new Tiamat with their psychedelic goth rock style.
In 1995, Johan Edlund permanently moved to Dortmund, Germany, where most of the albums were recorded, and he also turned Tiamat into a personal project by declaring himself as the only official member. But, he still works always with the same people who can be seen as band members, but Johan writes all the music.

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