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Monkey Harmonizing Songs (New Vocal Harmonies From Okinawa And The Pacific) by An-Chang Project


Album Info

Release Date: 2001

Label: Nektar

This CD combines all tracks from the CD "Hararade" and five tracks from the CD "Yarayoh-Uta no Sahanji".

1.: Music: Trad. Kiribati Song/Words: Banaban Dancing group (We learnt this song from the Banaban dancing group of Kiribati, whenthey visited Japan to perform their dance. This one is a present tense version and the original version in the past tense is the eightieth number of this album)
2.: Trad. song of Amami-Ohshima Isl. (Sung in admiration for the polyphonic harmony of Amis, Taiwan)
3.: Trad. song of Yonaguni Isl.
4.: Trad. song of Yonaguni Isl.
5.: Trad. Lullaby of Yonaguni Isl. (The Firts song that led me to the world of lullabies)
6.: Trad. Yae-yama /Song from Kurushima Isl. (Dedicated to Tenores di Bitti by An-chang)
7.: Trad. song of Miyako Isl., with words by Jun Yasuba in 3,4)
8.: Trad song of Republic of Kiribati (Onotao Island people are famous for their skilled navigation.)
9a.: Music & Words by Yoshie Uno
9b.: Trad. Song From Northeast China ("Yang-ge" tune used here is the most popular traditional dancing tune in Northeast China)
10.: Trad. Working Song Of Yonaguni (Traditionally sung while doing farm work)
11.: Trad. children's verse of Okinawa mainland
12.: Trad. Lullaby of Oki-no-Erabu Isl.
13.: Trad. song of Yonaguni Isl.
14a.: Trad. Song from Solomon Isl.
14b.: Yasuba-Uno-Hattori (Ma-magana is a prayer for a large catch of wild animals in the mountains of Bunun's tribe, Taiwan. Since the song inspired us to make our own Ma-magana, we would like to dedicate this tune to Mr. Daho of Bunun who taught us the song.)
15.: Trad. song of Yonaguni Isl.
16.: Trad. song from Toyama Prefecture
17.: By Yoshi Uno
18a.: Trad./Banaban Dancing Group
18b.: Trad.song of Bunun ethnic group, Taiwan)
19.: Words: Yasuba, Music: Trad. Song of Republic of Kiribati

Track 15 is named in the booklet "Yunaha-Hara" and on the inlay "Yunaha-Hara Song"
Track 17 is named in the booklet "A Black Dog" and on the inlay "Black Dog"

Members of Nakano-Chuhtaroh-Ichiza: Baba Yukio, Sugawara Tadeshi, Sugawara Chi'eko, Kami-Unten Hideki, Mi'ura Akinori, Ishi'i Yayoi, Katoh Mika, Kaburagi Aki

Members of Okinawan Sanshin Aikoh-kai: Satoh Hajime, Fukuyama Riki'ichi

Artwork & Layout MEDIAart(R) by Atelier Niedernjesa
Produced (C) 1997, 1999 by An-chan Project, cooperated by Akemi Mochida of Shih-sahs
This edition: (P) (C) 2001 by Tropical Music GmbH
Distributed in Germany by BMG Ariola München / ARIS
Distributed exclusively in Europe by Tropical Music Distribution Partners


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