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Caroline Mathilde: Ballet Suites; Chat Moss; Ojai Festival Overture by Peter Maxwell Davies, BBC Philharmonic, Peter Maxwell Davies

Tracks In This Album

Peter Maxwell Davies, BBC Philharmonic I. A Public Square free listening
I. A Public Square - Peter Maxwell Davies, BBC Philharmonic
Peter Maxwell Davies, BBC Philharmonic II. Inside the Castle free listening
II. Inside the Castle - Peter Maxwell Davies, BBC Philharmonic
Peter Maxwell Davies, BBC Philharmonic III. The Queen's Chamber free listening
III. The Queen's Chamber - Peter Maxwell Davies, BBC Philharmonic
Peter Maxwell Davies, BBC Philharmonic IV. The Royal Chambers free listening
IV. The Royal Chambers - Peter Maxwell Davies, BBC Philharmonic
Peter Maxwell Davies, BBC Philharmonic I. A Public Square free listening
I. A Public Square - Peter Maxwell Davies, BBC Philharmonic
Peter Maxwell Davies, BBC Philharmonic II. The Conspiracy free listening
II. The Conspiracy - Peter Maxwell Davies, BBC Philharmonic
Peter Maxwell Davies, BBC Philharmonic III. The Masked Ball - Court Dance free listening
III. The Masked Ball - Court Dance - Peter Maxwell Davies, BBC Philharmonic
Peter Maxwell Davies, BBC Philharmonic IV. The Masked Ball - Pas de deux free listening
IV. The Masked Ball - Pas de deux - Peter Maxwell Davies, BBC Philharmonic
Peter Maxwell Davies, BBC Philharmonic V. The Arrest free listening
V. The Arrest - Peter Maxwell Davies, BBC Philharmonic
Peter Maxwell Davies, BBC Philharmonic VI. The Execution free listening
VI. The Execution - Peter Maxwell Davies, BBC Philharmonic
Peter Maxwell Davies, BBC Philharmonic VII. The Exile of Caroline Mathilde free listening
VII. The Exile of Caroline Mathilde - Peter Maxwell Davies, BBC Philharmonic
Peter Maxwell Davies, BBC Philharmonic Chat Moss free listening
Chat Moss - Peter Maxwell Davies, BBC Philharmonic
Peter Maxwell Davies, BBC Philharmonic Ojai Festival Overture free listening
Ojai Festival Overture - Peter Maxwell Davies, BBC Philharmonic

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