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Uncle Josh At A Meeting of The School House Directors / My Old Kentucky Home by Cal Stewart, Columbia Quartette


Album Info

Release Date: 1913

Label: Columbia

Reissue and Repress with new 1910 recording on the B side on a 1913-1914 Magic Notes label (Columbia Graphophone Company) with 5 patent dates in 3 lines.

A: Laughing Story
B: Vocal Quartette, Male Voices, Orchestra Accompaniment

A side (mx. 1504, take 10) recorded New York, NY, ca. January to July 1903.
B side (mx. 4351, take 5) recorded New York, NY, ca. January to April 1910.

Originally released in 1908 with an older recording (mx. 512, take 8) on the B side.

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