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Wunderbar / Health Dub by Christiane F., Christiane F.


Album Info

Release Date: 2003-03-17

Label: Playhouse

Wunderbar / Heimweh: Published by Soundchaser Music (BMI)
Suechtig / Spinnen / Health Dub: Published by Freibank

Playhouse 71 / Made in E.E.C.

1982: Christiane Felscherinow, better known as Christiane F., has just published her book »Wir Kinder vom Bahnhof Zoo«. During a stay in the US, she records vocals for a record, but has no influence on the musical and artistic result. She only hears the outcome (A. »Wunderbar«) after its release and is horrified. She has the record stopped in order to re-record the song under the name of Christiana with musicians from Berlin's New Wave scene (B. »Süchtig (Health Dub)«).

At the Robert Johnson Club in Offenbach, the original US-version turned into a significant hit, so one soon decided to feature both versions on one record.
Perfect time documents that have not lost any of their fascination since their first release and should be preserved for future generations.

»Ich Klau Dein Auto, Und Fahr Zur Disco - Ich Bin So Süchtig, Dein Lenkrand Zu Führ'n...«

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