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Begborrowsteel by Count Bass D


Album Info

Release Date: 2004

Label: Ramp Recordings

Track durations and BPM are not provided on the record.
A1: 95 | A2: 95 | A3: 92 | A4: 90 | A5: 92 | A6: 92 | A7: 88 | A8: 88
B9: 88 | B10: 83 | B11: 91 | B12: 79 | B13: 77
C14: 92 | C15: 79 | C16: 85
D17: 95 | D18: 95 | D19: 92 | D20: 92 | D21: 88 | D22: 79 | D23: 77