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RPM 2021 by DJ Klustor


Album Info

Release Date: 2021-02-28

Label: YKD MANG!

This project was part of the annual RPM Challenge. Made with Ableton, a couple plug-ins, a turntable, a mixer and a few random records.

Try not to take this project too seriously cause I didn’t. I never started any track with an idea of what to make, I just went with the flow and saw what happened. Some worked, some didn’t. My skratching has never been the greatest, plus I got a crazy infected hand half way through this project so I just did the best I could within the timeline.

Thanks for checking this project out. Head over to rpmchallenge.com to see what it’s all about. Find me on Insta, @djklustor. Check out YKD MANG! on Insta too, @ykdmang.