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Sacred Arias By The Great Masters by Eleanor Steber, Max Rudolf, Columbia Symphony Orchestra

Tracks In This Album

Eleanor Steber, Max Rudolf, Columbia Symphony Orchestra Haydn: With Verdure Clad (From "The Creation") free listening
Haydn: With Verdure Clad (From "The Creation") - Eleanor Steber, Max Rudolf, Columbia Symphony Orchestra
Eleanor Steber, Max Rudolf, Columbia Symphony Orchestra Mendelssohn: Hear Ye, Israel! (From "Elijah") free listening
Mendelssohn: Hear Ye, Israel! (From "Elijah") - Eleanor Steber, Max Rudolf, Columbia Symphony Orchestra
Eleanor Steber, Max Rudolf, Columbia Symphony Orchestra J.S.Bach: My Heart Ever Faithful (From The Cantata No. 68 - For Pentecost) free listening
J.S.Bach: My Heart Ever Faithful (From The Cantata No. 68 - For Pentecost) - Eleanor Steber, Max Rudolf, Columbia Symphony Orchestra
Eleanor Steber, Max Rudolf, Columbia Symphony Orchestra J.S. Bach: Sighing, Weeping (From The Cantata No. 21) free listening
J.S. Bach: Sighing, Weeping (From The Cantata No. 21) - Eleanor Steber, Max Rudolf, Columbia Symphony Orchestra
Eleanor Steber, Max Rudolf, Columbia Symphony Orchestra Handel: I Know That My Redeemer Liveth (From "The Messiah") free listening
Handel: I Know That My Redeemer Liveth (From "The Messiah") - Eleanor Steber, Max Rudolf, Columbia Symphony Orchestra

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