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[g]host by Excruciation


Album Info

Release Date: 2014-05-16

Label: Auric Records

CD comes as a 6panel digipack, with a 12 page booklet. Tracklist different than LP version, longer version of instrumental track.

Line Up:
Eugenio Meccariello - vocals
HNS Reitze - guitars / theremin
Marcel Bosshart - guitars
D.D. Lowinger - bass
Andy Renggli - drums

Add. musicians:
Julian Wepfer - synths on Murmansk I Му́рманск
Yvette Goetschy Meccariello - spoken words on Under the Linden Tree

Add. infos:
Recorded and mixed at Genossenschaft 6 Studio, Zurich, Switzerland.
Engineered and mixed by Fabio Antenore.
Mastered by Mell Dettmer at Studio Soli, Seattle (WA), USA
Produced by Excruciation.
Photos by Jascha Hoste. Band photos by eisa.ch
Design by Meccariello.
