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Rupture by Nurse With Wound, Graham Bowers


Album Info

Release Date: 2011-12-19

Label: United Dirter

"This work is an attempt to create a musical illustration of the 'goings-on' in the brain during the last hour and three minutes of a life after suffering a major stroke.

The piece is multi-layered and is primarily concerned with the internal chaos caused by the loss of control of thought processes, responses and consequential actions, with all types of incoherent disjointed memories and present real time events – as well as moments of lucidity, panic and fear – clashing, merging and evolving.

When the complexity of the human brain's retained information and the inherent properties which constitute a 'life', an 'individual', a 'person', are catastrophically damaged after blood – 'life's fuel' – ruptures the previously organised and essential control centres, absolute mayhem follows. The cold, hard indisputable truth, and one that we all have no alternative but to accept, is that "… a life as it now is, is not what it was, and never will be again"."
(Text from the backside of the sleeve)

Packaged in a 6-panel, gloss laminated digipak.

Distributed in UK and Europe by Cargo.

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