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Aus Dem Volksliederschatz by Grenzlandchor Arnoldstein


Album Info

Labels: Columbia, EMI Columbia

Track A1 is credited as "Tritt Zu!" on the backcover and as "Wenn alle Brünnlein fließen" on the LP.
Track A2 is credited as "Treue Liebe" on the backcover and as "Ach, Wie Ist's Möglich Dann" on the LP.
Track A5 is credites as "Heimliche Liebe" on the backcover and as "Kein Feuer, Keine Kohle" on the LP.
Track B3 is credited as "Abschiedslied" on the backcover and as "So viel Stern am Himmel stehen" on the LP.
Track B4 is credited ad "Flug Der Liebe" on the backcover and as "Wenn ich ein Vöglein Wär" on the LP.
Track B5 is credited as "Wie Lieblich Schallt Busch Und Wald" on the backcover and as "Wie Lieblich Schallt..." on the LP.
Track B8 is credited as "Ade" on the backcover and as "Ade Zur Guten Nacht" on the LP.

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