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Surrey Crescent Moon by Hello Sailor


Album Info

Release Date: 2012

Labels: Warner, Hello Sailor Recordings

CD Version.

Produced by Hello Sailor Productions for Hello Sailor Records
Recorded by Neil Baldock, Benjamin Knapp and Jordan Stone at Roundhead Studios, Auckland, New Zealand,
between July 2009 and April 2012.
Assisted by Jason Huss.

Pre-production: Stuart Pearce and Tony McMaster.
Additional engineering on tracks 1 & 9: Stuart Pearce.
Mixed at at Roundhead Studios: Tracks 2, 7 & 10 mixed by Neil Baldock; tracks 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 mixed by Jordan Stone.
Mastered by Angus McNaughton at Auralux, Waitakere, Auckland, New Zealand
Management and Business Affairs: Hello Sailor Ltd.
Stylist: Aetna.

Optigan: Harry Lyon.

Thank You:
The band would like to thank loyal, trusted and true friends whom, over the years have supplied encouragement, direction and material assistance. We shake your hand, we kiss your cheek.

Thanks to the Mums (Dads who are long gone), wives, partners and girlfriends, sons and daughters scattered away under a Surrey Crescent moon from Ponsonby to Mars, Zurich and Dublin…and hey! Bob Orr for inspiring the title.

Julia and all at Roundhead; Neil Finn for the use of a range of rare and vintage amplifiers and that quaint celluloid-eating keyboard called the Optigan.

And importantly – MAINZ studios, Dominion Law, Victoria Blood, Brent Eccles, Tony McMaster, Robbie Barclay, Ant, Rita and everyone at APRA.

Special thanks to Phil Howling, Jeremy, Lisa, Nicole, Althea, Steph and all at Warner Music NZ.

These Furs Were Hers dedicated to the memory of Ian Morris.

Issued in super jewel box.