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Candleland by Ian McCulloch


Album Info

Release Date: 1989

Label: WEA

OBI-like strip on outer sleeve. Black inner sleeve with lyrics which has the following catalog numbers:
WX 303
246 225-1
Manufactured in Germany.

Cover's spine contains the catalog id#: 2292-46264-1 while the outer strip and record's labels specify the id as WX303W.

Additionally, the back of the outer strip lists an id number for the vinyl, cassette and cd versions of this release. The vinyl's id is: 246-225-1

The text "For My Dad" is printed on the bottom/center of the record's back cover.

The text "In memory of Pete and Chris" is printed on the bottom/center back of the inner sleeve.

Song titles/credits are printed on outer strip that spans back cover

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