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Il Était Une Fois La Fête Foraine by Jean-Jacques Birgé, Bernard Vitet, Alain Monvoisin


Album Info

Release Date: 1996

Label: Auvidis Tempo

Concept album used as the soundtrack for the exhibition "Il Était Une Fois La Fête Foraine", settled in the Grande Halle De La Villette, Paris, from 18th of september 1995 to 14th of january 1996.
- Tracks 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 & 11 are comedy parts with dialogs performed by voice actors, evocating the sounds and the discussions used in the past in the french funfairs.
- Tracks 6, 8, 10, 12 are musical pieces performed on Gapsinari organs and Liminaire organs.
- Tracks 2, 4 & 13 are digital transfers of old songs recorded in the 1950's, about the theme of funfairs.