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There's A Service Flag Flying At Our House / I'll Think Of You by Jockers Brothers


Album Info

Release Date: 1918-06

Label: Columbia

Original release with label printing date code "DY" (= April 1918) at the right margin.

Both sides: violin and piano duet

Side A recorded 22 March 1918.
Side B recorded 11 April 1918.

Side A: Medley One-step. Introducing: (1) Who Said Dixie; (2) Say A Prayer For The Boys Out There (Al Brown, 1 – Lange, 2 – Marr)

Side B: Medley Fox-trot. Introducing: (1) Alimony Blues (2) My Rainbow Girl from "The Rainbow Girl"

Listed in The Talking Machine World, June 15, 1918, page 113: Record Bulletins for July, 1918 (actually released in late June 1918).

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