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The Navy Lark - HMS Troutbridge Rides The Swell by Stephen Murray, Jon Pertwee, Leslie Phillips

Tracks In This Album

Stephen Murray, Jon Pertwee, Leslie Phillips First Transmitted 20th October 1968 - The Navy Lark - HMS Troutbridge Rides The Swell free listening
First Transmitted 20th October 1968 - The Navy Lark - HMS Troutbridge Rides The Swell - Stephen Murray, Jon Pertwee, Leslie Phillips
Stephen Murray, Jon Pertwee, Leslie Phillips First Transmitted 8th March 1970 - The Navy Lark - HMS Troutbridge Rides The Swell free listening
First Transmitted 8th March 1970 - The Navy Lark - HMS Troutbridge Rides The Swell - Stephen Murray, Jon Pertwee, Leslie Phillips
Stephen Murray, Jon Pertwee, Leslie Phillips First Transmitted 16th May 1971 - The Navy Lark - HMS Troutbridge Rides The Swell free listening
First Transmitted 16th May 1971 - The Navy Lark - HMS Troutbridge Rides The Swell - Stephen Murray, Jon Pertwee, Leslie Phillips
Stephen Murray, Jon Pertwee, Leslie Phillips First Transmitted 23rd May 1971 - The Navy Lark - HMS Troutbridge Rides The Swell free listening
First Transmitted 23rd May 1971 - The Navy Lark - HMS Troutbridge Rides The Swell - Stephen Murray, Jon Pertwee, Leslie Phillips

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