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OuMuPo 4 by Kid Loco


Album Info

Release Date: 2005

Label: Ici D'Ailleurs

Iterations : Bed "Moonlight"; Rodolphe Burger & Olivier Cadiot "C'est Dans La Vallée"; Matt Elliott "The Guilty Party".
Own Artist constraint: To systematically & exclusively use two tracks (or tracks excerpts) in every album at his disposal.

OuBaPo constraint: 7 chapters of 7 panels, 7 days of the week, Hybridization of 7 characters of whom one dies in each chapter.

Each release in the series contains a mix composed of selected tracks from the Ici, d'ailleurs & 0101 catalogues (OuMuPo) + a 16 pages comic strip (OuBaPo)
OuMuPo stands for: "OUvroir de MUsique POtentielle - Workshop fot Potential Music" and refers to the Oulipo movement in French literature.
OuBaPo stands for: "OUvroir de Bande dessinée POtentielle - Workshop for Potential Comic Strips".
Both the mix and the comic strip obey rules detailed in a charter included in each release's booklet, and other constraints requested by the artists themselves.

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