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Clouds For Breakfast by Kirill Platonkin


Album Info

Release Date: 2013-06-15

Label: Xylem Records

"Clouds For Breakfast - is a soup, cooked out of different sounds - sounds of town, flying airplane, people dancing to the music, children playing outside, noise of waves of Amur river, singing and laughter, and separate words spoken. There's no special target of this album - it was born because it couldn't help being born there are so many sound waves around us, and these waves are eager to be recorded and organized - you think, that this is, for example, plain fridge noise, but you are wrong! - it has an ambition to become a rocket noise..."
-Kirill Platonkin (06/13/2013) Blagoveshchensk, RU

Available for download from the label's Bandcamp page in a variety of file formats.