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Toast Enthusiasts by Lothar & Matthew


Album Info

Release Date: 2011-10-26

Label: Wrong Records

Toast Enthusiasts is an "odds n' sods" collection of tracks I like, but never fit into a more cohesive album project. They were made during the time period of October 2009 to March 2010, somewhat of a transitional time for Lothar & Matthew.

"Atom Harvest" turned out to be a major revelation in how I made music. I created two very short loops from Muslimgauze and was astounded at the resulting collage. From that point forward, Muslimgauze has been a major source for finding loops to use, which can fully be heard on Sesquipedilianism where Muslimgauze samples were used throughout.

Since this is a bit of a collection of outtakes, it's a freebie, though bandcamp limits the number of free downloads per month!

Cover photo taken somewhere in England on the 2007 September Nomeansno tour. There was a plentiful supply of toast that morning.