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Advancements In Plagiarism by Lothar & Matthew


Album Info

Release Date: 2011-11-26

Label: Wrong Records

Advancements in Plagiarism's titled was swiped from an earlier Lothar & Matthew song and the stealing didn't stop there. Everything from sampled movies on archive.org to John Wright's kick drum sound was used to create this album. The cover photo was found on Flickr's Creative Commons area in 2009 so the seed for this project actually predates the music by about a year. It probably should be pointed out that usually an album title and cover exists long before there is any music to go along with it.
But in all honestly, this album could also be called Adventures In Housesitting, since it was (mostly) created in a friend's basement in Portland while she was away on her two week holiday. Listeners may find different imagery, but for me it's the soundtrack of dark days punctuated by heavy rain and generally bad weather (which is just how it is in Oregon in December).
Two tracks from the original "session" (which is the fancy term for "period of time where I throw together a bunch of stuff and call it an album") simply didn't work out. They're now in an obscure folder on my hard drive. "Scene of An Accident" was actually constructed in late spring 2011.
"Custom Made", "Out of My House" and "Correction Overruled" are my favorites from this group of songs.
The majority of this album was made in December 2010 with adjustments and enhancements made in November 2011.