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Et Cetera by Lothar & Matthew


Album Info

Release Date: 2012-02-09

Label: Wrong Records

In winter 2009, I set about making an album based on samples from Rick Prelinger's collection American ephemera films, calling it Panorama. Initially, Panorama had 45 tracks and sprawled well over an hour and a half long. As we all know, the average attention span of a person these days is about 83 seconds, so I trimmed some songs down and ultimately removed 11 tracks that just hadn't come together. Panorama was finally released in December 2010.
Meanwhile, the intention for the leftover tracks was to reconstruct the songs and make them actually, you know, listenable and call the results Et Cetera. A first attempt to rework these songs occurred in the fall of 2009 (for all intents and purposes, Panorama was done). Two tracks, "Homesteaders" and "That's Just the Way It Is", still survive that session. But ultimately the second reconstruction of these songs failed to make the cut.
Ultimately, after much hemming and hawing, I finally got around to take the original samples from the Prelinger film and performing yet another third reconstruction in August 2011. The result is an album that has little in common with Panorama, aside from the theme of bizarre American films that provide the samples.
Final mixing of Et Cetera took place in February 2012, three years after the initial start to the Panorama/Et Cetera project.
Ironically, although I was concerned about having a sprawling release for Panorama back in 2009, the two albums together combine for nearly two hours of music.
Thanks to Hotrod Hector of Future Radio 107.8FM (Norwich) for the radio airplay back before Panorama was even completed. Also a big thanks to Rob Wright for the continued encouragement.