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Complete String Quartets Vol 8 by Ludwig van Beethoven, Quartetto Di Cremona


Album Info

Release Date: 2016-08-05

Label: Decca

?During the past ten years, the Quartetto di Cremona has matured into a string quartet of international radiance, uniting Italian string culture with an awareness of historical performance practice. Having been trained both by Piero Farulli of the Quartetto Italiano and Hatto Beyerle of the Alban Berg Quartet, the performance culture of the Quartetto di Cremona moves in a special tension between Italian and German- Austrian influences. A very passionate, emotional manner of playing is united with a marked feeling for musical architecture, cultivating the merging of structure and expression, of external form and internal passion. This ensemble has thus developed into one of the most highly profiled and imaginative in Europe. This position is documented by the series begun by audite of the complete Beethoven string quartets - a cycle that has always been a touchstone for all quartets