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Så Nær, Så Nær by Ole Paus, Bent Sæther, Hans Magnus Ryan, Tomas Järmyr, Reine Fiske


Album Info

Release Date: 2020-01-31

Label: Drabant Music

Released in a gatefold sleeve. Side A is etched.

Originally limited to 300 copies, but approximately 20 records were damaged under shipping. A new 2nd run of 200 ex of the limited orange version was ordered at MPO. The records and cover are identical, but the MPO production number is different. First run has MPO 19 146589/146468/146469, second run has MPO 20 151529/151530/151531.
1st run approximately 280 records, 2nd run 200 records, so 480 limited orange records in total.

Recorded at Studio Black Box, Noyard La Gravoyere, France, June 2019.
Mixed at Punkerpad UK.