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Full On Night by Rachel's, Matmos


Album Info

Release Date: 2005-09

Label: Quarterstick Records

The original recording of "Full On Night" appears on Rachel's first record Handwriting LP.
New recording made July 1997 at Chicago Recording Company using digital videotape.
Mixed to 1/2" tape November 1999 at Electrical Audio.
Mastered January 2000 at Abbey Road Studios, London.

Sound sources on track 2: studio masters for "Full On Night" and live performances of the song at the Church of St. Philip Neri, Louisville (11/14/97) and the Bottom of the Hill, San Francisco (10/23/98). Trains taken from the "Handwriting" album. Hi-hats recorded while at Anchor in Louisville.

Contact - Rachel's 2042 Frankfort Ave, Louisville, KY 40206.
The Touch and Go/Quarterstick mail order number is 1 800 3 Touch U. This is not an advertisement. Electric information - www.southern.com
Rachel's album number five.

Sticker on case: "Rachel's and Matmos decompose, invert, chop, splice, reconstruct & rewrite the song 'Full On Night'".

Catalog number appears on spine as: Qs69CD
Catalog number appears on disc top as: Qs69 CD