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Nordisk Natursymfoni Nr 1


Album Info

Release Date: 1973

Label: His Master's Voice

Musik för Kungliga Teaterns 200-årsjubileum till Ivo Cramérs balett "Strömkarlen"
(Nordic Naturesymphony No. 1 "The Neck") Op. 75 (1972) Time: 47'30" (compl.)

Production: Andromeda Picture- and electronmusic Studio.
All instrumental-, nature and animalsounds are electronically arranged.
A sincere acknowledgement to Bengt af Klintberg for being at disposal with his great knowledge of ancient popular tradition.

℗ 1973 Made in Germany [on labels]
Printed in Sweden [on sleeve]

English track titles:
A1. The Neck And The Maid Brought Down
A2. In The Land Long Ago
A3. Dance Of Golden Wings To The Ring Of Bellflowers
A4. River Playing
B1. The Bewitched Cave
B2. King Oden Spritehunting
B3. The Neck's Death
B4. Brookhorse-Polka
B5. Pageant In The Summer-Landscape
B6. The Wood-Spirit's Dance
B7. In Shaggy Cave

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