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Symphony No. 3 by Gustav Mahler, Boston Symphony Orchestra, Erich Leinsdorf, Shirley Verrett

Tracks In This Album

Gustav Mahler, Boston Symphony Orchestra, Erich Leinsdorf, Shirley Verrett I. Kräftig, Entschieden = Vigorous, Decisive (Part 1) free listening
I. Kräftig, Entschieden = Vigorous, Decisive (Part 1) - Gustav Mahler, Boston Symphony Orchestra, Erich Leinsdorf, Shirley Verrett
Gustav Mahler, Boston Symphony Orchestra, Erich Leinsdorf, Shirley Verrett I. (Concluded) free listening
I. (Concluded) - Gustav Mahler, Boston Symphony Orchestra, Erich Leinsdorf, Shirley Verrett
Gustav Mahler, Boston Symphony Orchestra, Erich Leinsdorf, Shirley Verrett II. Tempo Di Menuetto: Sehr Mässig = Very Moderately free listening
II. Tempo Di Menuetto: Sehr Mässig = Very Moderately - Gustav Mahler, Boston Symphony Orchestra, Erich Leinsdorf, Shirley Verrett
Gustav Mahler, Boston Symphony Orchestra, Erich Leinsdorf, Shirley Verrett III. Comodo; Scherzando free listening
III. Comodo; Scherzando - Gustav Mahler, Boston Symphony Orchestra, Erich Leinsdorf, Shirley Verrett
Gustav Mahler, Boston Symphony Orchestra, Erich Leinsdorf, Shirley Verrett IV. Sehr Langsam. Misterioso = Slow, Mysterious free listening
IV. Sehr Langsam. Misterioso = Slow, Mysterious - Gustav Mahler, Boston Symphony Orchestra, Erich Leinsdorf, Shirley Verrett
Gustav Mahler, Boston Symphony Orchestra, Erich Leinsdorf, Shirley Verrett V. Lustig Im Tempo Und Keck Im Ausdruck = Lively In Tempo And Jaunty In Expression free listening
V. Lustig Im Tempo Und Keck Im Ausdruck = Lively In Tempo And Jaunty In Expression - Gustav Mahler, Boston Symphony Orchestra, Erich Leinsdorf, Shirley Verrett
Gustav Mahler, Boston Symphony Orchestra, Erich Leinsdorf, Shirley Verrett VI. Langsam. Rubevoll, Empfunden = Slow, Peaceful, Expressive free listening
VI. Langsam. Rubevoll, Empfunden = Slow, Peaceful, Expressive - Gustav Mahler, Boston Symphony Orchestra, Erich Leinsdorf, Shirley Verrett

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