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Live 1970 by Soft Machine


Album Info

Label: Blueprint

Title on back cover is: In Europe 1970
Made in EU

There are only 8 tracks listed on the release and (wrong) durations for only the two first.  Missing tracks title (5, 10, 11) and durations retrieved from iTunes.

Tracks 1 & 2: recorded live at Swansea or at London School of Economics on February 13 or 14, 1970. Previously unreleased recordings.

Tracks 3-11: recorded at "Henry Wood Promenade Concert", Royal Albert Hall on August 13, 1970. Previously released on Live At The Proms 1970. This version of the concert have the first 3 minutes of 'Out-Bloody-Rageous' edited, and 'Esther's Nose Job' is split into 7 tracks. The Proms concert (tracks 3-11) is also available on the remastered version of Third with much better sound.

All tracks also included on second CD of "Orange Skin Food"

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