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Live At WCSB Cleveland by Sonny Vincent


Album Info

Release Date: 2020-10-16

Label: Primitive Screwhead

Available for download through Bandcamp upon purchase of the cassette or using the download code supplied with the cassette itself.
Recorded live at WCSB Cleveland for the "Hot Trash" program on 5/22/12.
The actual track listing is not supplied with this release, but is as follows:
Intro By Erin Ryan
1. Bad Attitude
2. Primitive
3. Hey You
4. Always A Catch
5. Sick On Yesterday
6. Station Disclaimer
7. Sinkhole
8. I See
9. Let's Get Zooed Out
10. Good Stuff
11. Primal Call
12. MK Ultra
13. Phantom
14. Mumbo Cada Matilia