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The Rites Of Spring by The FLK


Album Info

Release Date: 2014-04-19

Label: MuMusic

Limited Release of 4 "dubplates" released on (but not a formal release of) Record Store Day. Three copies were sold at record stores (Jumbo Records in Leeds, Piccadilly Records in Manchester, and Rough Trade in London). A fourth copy was put for auction on eBay.

Release comes in a mailer with the screenpainted FLK logo, sealed with a laser-printed label showing a KLF White Room style logo with the price "£4.99".

In the mailer is the record (in a grey cardboard sleeve with an FLK sticker and an FLK stripe logo sticker on the spine. The dubplate comes in a polylined paper inner sleeve with a sticker saying the following (in FLK/KLF font) :

Bill -
Studio time £750
Mastering £150
Pressing £60
Sleeves etc £15
Print £65
Travel £30
Admin etc £45
Total £1120

Dubplate has a white label and a generic "Curved Ltd" mastering label.

The release also comes with a sealed plastic liner containing the following:
- a print of the artwork
- two prints of the FLK
- a print of Marry Waterson
- an FLK sticker sheet
- a replica old photo
- two FLK cards (as per those sent out with the "Rosy" release)
- a mock "April 19" calendar entry (as per those sent out with the "The Folk Law" and "Rosy" releases)
- an origami sheep
- a card containing the tracklist
- a card containing the following text:

This Is A Work Of Art
If You Play It, You Will Destroy It.
If You Don’t Play It....It’s Just A Useless Piece Of Plastic
In Order To Enjoy This Record And Get Full Artistic Pleasure
You Should Play The Disc At Full Volume Non-Stop 10 Times In A Row
During Which The Vinyl Will Disintegrate And
The Music Will Become Inaudible