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The Firesign Theatre's Pink Hotel Burns Down by The Firesign Theatre


Album Info

Release Date: 1998

Labels: Lodestone, Firesign Theatre Records

Track notes from booklet:
1: October 29, 1967 - The First Firesign Theatre "Magic Mushroom" Live Broadcast.
2: 1969 - Brought to you by Jack Poet Volx-Waggin.
3: May, 1976 - Los Feliz Theatre.
4: 1969 - Another Vintage Volkswagen Radio Spot.
5: Up-Close Coverage of 1979's Big Stories!
6: February 1967.
7: September 1969 - TFT and friends caught bootlegging with a Craig Stereo.
8: August 1981 - Opening scenes of an unfinished album.
9: 1969.
10: Nov. 19, 1967 - Broadcast live from the stage of the Magic Mushroom.
11: Beetlemania Never Strikes for the Last Time - 1969.
12: [same as 10]