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Thin Skin by The Linden Method


Album Info

Release Date: 2018-04-27

Label: Not On Label

'Thin Skin' is the Linden Method's follow up to 2016's 'Good Enough', and deals mostly with the way that everyone in our society seems to be too afraid to stand up for anything because they're too afraid of receiving any sort of negative criticism. The album discusses this in a variety of ways through 16 blistering minutes of loud, fast, energetic music that the band likes to describe as Skate Punk Revival. 'Thin Skin' is the most cohesive and conceptual album the band has released to date and features an all new revamped and matured Linden Method who are desperately clawing at anything they can reach to try and destroy it. If you're ready to crank up the volume and wake up the neighbors, this record is for you.

Full credits no shown on cardsleeve, take from the band camp page.

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