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With Their Amazing First Album! by The Magnetix

Tracks In This Album

The Magnetix 10 Bones Skeleton Rock free listening
10 Bones Skeleton Rock - The Magnetix
The Magnetix Mystery Love free listening
Mystery Love - The Magnetix
The Magnetix Planet Zero free listening
Planet Zero - The Magnetix
The Magnetix Lost In Your Wonderland free listening
Lost In Your Wonderland - The Magnetix
The Magnetix Creature From Outer Space free listening
Creature From Outer Space - The Magnetix
The Magnetix King Rat Bop free listening
King Rat Bop - The Magnetix
The Magnetix Robocat free listening
Robocat - The Magnetix
The Magnetix Plastic And Concrete free listening
Plastic And Concrete - The Magnetix
The Magnetix Gone Gone Crazy free listening
Gone Gone Crazy - The Magnetix
The Magnetix Lover Boy free listening
Lover Boy - The Magnetix
The Magnetix Woodpecker Rock free listening
Woodpecker Rock - The Magnetix

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