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Music To Eat Bricks By by The Residents


Album Info

Release Date: 2019-07-26

Label: Cryptic Corporation

Notes from the insert:

"Music To Eat Bricks By?

At the time The Residents were writing and recording their groundbreaking River Of Crime podcast, their primary musical inspiration came from "crime jazz" soundtracks from 40's and 50's film noir movies and 50's and 60's crime TV series. Later, when the time came to create scores for their own crime series, the group decided to emulate the moody jazz they had been hearing from Elmer Bernstein, Henry Mancini, Alex North and others; but when they created the River Of Crime CD soundtrack, they felt the sound needed to be a bit more "Residential", consequently reworking the music in their customary slice, dice, mix and match fashion. This CD is the first complete exposure to those original "crime jazz" recordings from 2006. (A few of these tracks also became the basis of songs on The Residents' Tweedles album that also came out in 2006"

In some of the inserts the printed text is missing the last line and abruptly stops after "[...] Tweedles album...."
Sold with or without The Residents' novel, The Brickeaters with optional autograph.

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