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Take The City With You! (Dance Version) by Tin Pan Apple After Dark


Album Info

Release Date: 1982

Label: Parallel Communications, Inc.

This 12" release is a dance version of this cassette release of field recordings of New York City, created by Charles Stettler. This dance version was a flop, but was later used in 1983 as the backing track to a live rap contest, which Disco 3 won. The group later gained fame as the Fat Boys, with Stettler as executive producer, on his label Tin Pan Apple, which took its name from the original cassette and this 12". For the rap contest, copies were stickered "The Official Dance & Rap Contest 12" Record".

Dance Version
A Twilight Mix
Tin Pan Apple (C) (P) 1981, Twisted Minds, Ltd.
Tin Pan Apple/After Dark (C) (P) 1982 Parallel Communications, Inc.
Manufactured & Distributed by Parallel Communications, Inc.
115 East 57th Street, N.Y.C. 10022

Special thanks to Candace Konowitch.

B side seems to be in fact 2 separate versions of the main track.

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