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RV Row by Vantana Row


Album Info

Release Date: 2016

Label: Not On Label

This should be one of the last side-EPs before we begin focusing on the live set in our new studio off International and eventually opening up creativity for our fourth self-titled album thereafter." -Jamey

"rrrrrrrrrrrrrr" -Volly

"That's what she wants to say with her life" -Jamey

"No! Look honestly, I was like, 'Jamey. This will be the fourth ep dude. What could possibly be better. Like we JUST did this.' Then this Blaze-azz mofoka, made me sing so high that my throat hurt. I was hella mad. I still aint talking right. But then I hears the sheet a couple of times and think damn. This Blaze-azz mofoka really hurt my voice. BUT that sheet sound dope. Juss sayin" -Volly
released June 21, 2016