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V/A by Various

Tracks In This Album

Various No longer alone in self-possession. The impossible mutates into the inevitable. free listening
No longer alone in self-possession. The impossible mutates into the inevitable. - Various
Various A shifting within the host. A visage rippling, disturbed by foreign thoughts, free listening
A shifting within the host. A visage rippling, disturbed by foreign thoughts, - Various
Various larvae ripening beneath the surface. free listening
larvae ripening beneath the surface. - Various
Various Spirit Pierced by Trickery free listening
Spirit Pierced by Trickery - Various
Various Compulsion's dreary march into degradation. free listening
Compulsion's dreary march into degradation. - Various
Various Stripped of all inherent form. A husk offered as a vessel to blasphemous entities. free listening
Stripped of all inherent form. A husk offered as a vessel to blasphemous entities. - Various
Various Decapitated effigies, grimacing masks ablaze in a rotting proclamation of sadistic might. free listening
Decapitated effigies, grimacing masks ablaze in a rotting proclamation of sadistic might. - Various
Various Autumnal debris. A world of blood, ochre, and sepia. free listening
Autumnal debris. A world of blood, ochre, and sepia. - Various
Various Lured from street to street, shack to shack, stoop to stoop. Drifting visitors, peering: free listening
Lured from street to street, shack to shack, stoop to stoop. Drifting visitors, peering: - Various
Various every crevice a window, every orifice a doorway. free listening
every crevice a window, every orifice a doorway. - Various
Various The leer of numerous lurking presences free listening
The leer of numerous lurking presences - Various
Various slowly erode you free listening
slowly erode you - Various
Various on this Infernal Pilgrimage. free listening
on this Infernal Pilgrimage. - Various
Various Untitled free listening
Untitled - Various
Various IX free listening
IX - Various

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