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Vaya Con Dios / Havajski Raj by Vojin Popović, Havajski Ansambl Bore Maleševa


Album Info

Release Date: 1954

Label: Jugoton

Side A track is slow waltz, Serbo-Croatian cover of the song written by Inez James, Larry Russell and Buddy Pepper, first recorded by Anita O'Day in December 1952 and released by her in 1953.
Side B track is fox, Hawaiian instrumental, cover of the song "Drifting and Dreaming, Sweet Paradise" composed by Egbert Van Alstyne, Erwin Roeder Schmidt and Loyal B. Curtis, appearing also as "Drifting and Dreaming (Sweet Paradise)" and just "Drifting and Dreaming", first released in December 1925 by Ted Lewis and His Band.

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