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Three Points by Whimsical Fetus

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Whimsical Fetus "They forced the illegals to strip down to their underwear before, the alleged torture and one of the kidnappers asked his victims to pray and to forgive him for what he was about to do." free listening
"They forced the illegals to strip down to their underwear before, the alleged torture and one of the kidnappers asked his victims to pray and to forgive him for what he was about to do." - Whimsical Fetus
Whimsical Fetus "The illegals were tortured with a screwdriver." free listening
"The illegals were tortured with a screwdriver." - Whimsical Fetus
Whimsical Fetus "They had their toenails pried off with pliers, their front teeth beaten out, and were threatened with castration." free listening
"They had their toenails pried off with pliers, their front teeth beaten out, and were threatened with castration." - Whimsical Fetus

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