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Less Than Human by White Zombie


Album Info

Release Date: 1998

Label: Not On Label

Tracks 1-5 Donington Festival U.K. (26.08.1995)
Tracks 6-11 Bizarre Festival, Cologne, Germany (19.08.1995)
Tracks 12: Ed Sullivan Theatre, NY (14.07.1995).

Another live bootleg with Donington+Bizarre festival recordings. According to the back cover this is a Japanese release.
This release has very low quality printed covers, and disc is a recordable cd with the artwork printed on it. Discs band picture shows Phil Buerstatte on it instead of Tempesta so they didn't even bother adding a band photo related to the ~1995 era.

First time I got this release I thought I bought a cheap cd-r recorded by someone (and it still may be the case) but few years later I found another copy in the wild and to my surprise it had the same bad quality covers and it was the same kind of cd-r (but with a different disc artwork).

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