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Piano Music (Historical Live Recordings) by Ludwig van Beethoven, Franz Schubert, Frédéric Chopin, Robert Schumann, Wilhelm Kempff


Album Info

Release Date: 2021-05

Label: Da Vinci Classics

Previously unreleased piano recordings
Live Recording, Milano, 31 October 1978 (tracks 1-4, 6-8)
Live Recording, Milano, 3 April 1978 (tracks 5, 9, 10)

Title as on spine
Catalog Number C00400 on spine
Catalog Number C00397 on back cover

Cover photo: Courtesy of Musikarchiv Akademie der Künste, Berlin

Total Time: 76:17
(P) & (C) Da Vinci Classics 2021, DDD Designed in Japan, Printed in EU