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Zsyp by Wojciech Bąkowski


Album Info

Release Date: 2010-06-10

Label: ArtBazaar Records

ABR 002. Wojciech Bąkowski "Zsyp". Zsyp”- it is a radio play in three parts. It is a story about things, which we do not experience in everyday life. Fading the sense of perceiving “these things” away starts with maturing. Children have this ability developed perfectly, but later it dies away. Wojtek Bąkowski gives us a chance to come back to states of fear and phobias from childhood and probably illness, when we lie in the bed staring on the wall and hear “voices”. They are always somewhere among us - whirring fridges, sounds, breathes, conversations beyond the wall, from the elevator shaft, mysterious chamsters living in the wall of our houses. Recording of states from the borderline of dream and reality. Side A consists of two compositions - “Anthems Helmets”, “Kubuś (Winnie)”. Side B of only one piece, opus magnum of radio play, black suite named “The death”. “Zsyp” can be a soundtrack for non-existing Spoken Movie “0” (“Spoken Movies are Wojciech Bąkowski’s best known video pieces, exhibited around the globe New Museum of Centempory Art in NYC included). The piece is bery impressing, especially, when you are alone in a room.

Total, closed record issue is 250 items. On the cover of author edition (limited edition of 65 items from 250 pieces of whole record issue) the dance of a fly around the lamp in background is presented. The picture is drew by Bąkowski himself. Each one is different , because any fly does not dance in the same way.

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