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U.S. label that was launched by Bob Thiele in 1941 and, in its first incarnation, ran until 1948. The label was later revived several times.

Noted Signature recording artists included Anita O'Day, Coleman Hawkins, Eddie Lawrence, Ray Anthony, Barbara McNair, Monica Lewis, Dickie Thompson, Jane Harvey, Kay Thompson and Alan Dale (singer). Bob Thiele produced records for Signature in the 1940s and 50s. He was married to three of Signature's vocalists-- Monica Lewis, Jane Harvey and Teresa Brewer.

Signature Records (9) until 1940s
Signature Recording Corporation 1940s
Hanover-Signature Record Corporation from 1959
Bob Thiele Music, Ltd. 1970s
Signature Gramophone Company, Ltd. 1979
Teresa Gramophone Company, Ltd. from 1983

RCA Records from 1973
CBS Records Inc. from 1983
Pye Records Ltd. (UK) from 1959
Compo Records (Canada) from approx. 1959
Forrest Hills, NY.

Address in 1945 was 601 W. 26th St., N.Y.C.