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Alpha Records

Philippine record label. Alpha Rec. Sys. started operations in 1963 when Buddy De Vera resigned from a recording company and decided to venture into independent production. He formed Alpha Recording System, a sole proprietorship. The thrust of Alpha at that time was 100% local or domestic production.

By the early 1980's, Alpha Recording System was incorporated to become Alpha Records Corporation, a family corporation. A few years later, the company was able to expand into new fields, notably the acquisition of exclusive licenses of major foreign record companies such as MCA Records (1979) and A & M Records (1985).

Alpha also became the Philippine licensee of Virgin Records (1988) and Factory Records, thus adding two progressive U.K. based labels to its roster of foreign affiliates.

During the 1990's Alpha Records focused on the production of quality domestic repertoire, and was able to affirm its position as the leading exponent of Filipino music.
The label is still active today.

Alpha Records Building
1731 E. Rodriguez Sr. Avenue
1109 Quezon City, Philippines