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Regain Records

Regain Records founded by Per Gyllenbäck 1997 out of the ashes of Wrong Again Records. The two partners of Wrong Again Records being Per Gyllenbäck and Wez Wenedikter started Wrong Again Records 1993. In 1997 the two owners choose to go their own way, resulting in Wez Wenedikter starting WAR Music and Per Gyllenbäck starting Regain Records. Regain Records being the one label still active out of the two.
Due to health problems label manager Per Gyllenbäck was forced to put Regain Records on hold in 2011, but the label is still alive and the future is yet to be revealed.
P.O. Box 12026
245 02 Hjärup
Fax: +46 40 422777

Visiting address:
Regain Records
Lommavägen 53 (Hjärups Gård)
245 62 Hjärup

Tel. +46 40 30 21 73
Fax. +46 40 30 21 74

Various matters: info@regainrecords.com
Orders and wholesale: magnus@regainrecords.com
Graphics: layout@regainrecords.com
Promotion/A&R: jarne@regainrecords.com
Mailorder: anna@regainrecords.com